Bárbara is thinking too hard ヾ(•ω•`)o

07/01, 20:00: 

LocJam is starting, and here I am with a light fever in the middle of my Japanese class, *oh no, today was the day we had to hold a conversation with a friend of my teacher* Welp, seems like I'll have to leave early. I only hope this fever isn't related to Covid or something like that, it'd be terrible. >﹏<

 I'll check the files for the LocJam, and then I'll go to sleep, tomorrow will be an interesting day.

07/02, 11:15:

Another day with fever! Yay! Thank Elder Gods it's just a small kidney stone, drinking lots of water should help. 

Ok, so far it has been really fun working with my teammates,  ugh, I'm really bad writing stuff like this ...(;´д`)ゞ

07/04, 2:30 AM: 

It's Saturday night (wait, no, it's already Sunday aAaAaAa), and I just finished drawing the pixel art for the profile page.  I had to look into the depths of my brain for my little html knowledge + my pixel art skills, but I can't deny I'm happy with how the profile looks. 

Today was the day we worked the most. There was a moment when Andrés did a small change and every slice was moved bye ONE (1),  I started getting warnings from MemoQ, tried to Sync several times, and then... MemoQ did its thing... it crashed (っ °Д °;)っ Luckily, nothing was lost~

04/07, 15:14 PM:

I'm really happy with the final translation, and the way the page and profile look, in the end it was a good idea joining this LocJam, I really hope to do it again in the future, or better: next year! *★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。